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Why Your Continued Support is Essential for Cornerstone’s Mission

Updated: Aug 12

As we stand on the brink of a potential $1.51 million in federal funding to revitalize our community kitchen and shelters, Cornerstone is incredibly grateful for this opportunity. This significant allocation, if approved by Congress, will address desperately needed repairs and renovations, bringing our facilities up to the standards they should have always been at. However, it’s important to remember that while this funding is a tremendous blessing, it will not cover our operational costs. We still need your unwavering support to sustain our daily operations and continue serving our community.

Revitalizing Our Spaces, Not Our Operating Budget

The federal funding will be instrumental in transforming our key areas. Our shelters, housed in buildings over a century old, are in dire need of updates. From outdated furnaces and air conditioning to old roofs and damaged flooring and more, the renovations will significantly improve safety, energy efficiency, and overall comfort for our clients and staff.

“One of our furnaces providing heat to the shelter is roughly 50 years old,” shared Sharon Redfern, Cornerstone's Executive Director. “Replacing these with more energy-efficient units would save a significant amount of money and create a more consistent, comfortable environment for our residents.”

In the community kitchen, the funding will enable us to repair our damaged roof, windows and brick exterior and so much more. It will enable us to expand our preparation space, allowing for better storage to hold ingredients to prepare even fresher meals. The highly enjoyed and already nutritious meals will be even easier for our staff and volunteers to create. This will create a better working environment for our dedicated staff and volunteers, ultimately benefiting those we serve.

“It would be a much nicer working environment, more efficient,” said Redfern. “We’d be able to prepare more food from scratch, such as baked goods, which would be wonderful for our community.”

The Urgent Need for Ongoing Support

Despite the promise of these much-needed renovations, the federal funding will not cover our operating costs. Cornerstone’s monthly operating expenses exceed $80,000, which covers only the bare minimum. We need to raise significantly more to build a reserve for unexpected repairs, updates, and emergencies.

Moreover, the bill containing this funding will not be voted on until at least December, and the funds will likely not be available until quite some time after that. This delay makes your continued support even more critical in the coming months.

Alexis Flint, Cornerstone’s Programs and Operations Director, emphasized the critical need for ongoing community support: “This funding is a blessing, but it’s not a windfall that will cover all of our needs. We need our community to understand that their consistent donations are what keep Cornerstone functioning day-to-day. Without this support, we simply cannot continue to operate.”

Flint continued, “Our operating expenses are about $80,000 per month, but we need much more than that. Having a reserve would allow us to budget for and address larger expenses as they arise, rather than waiting until we’re facing a crisis. Your donations are crucial in helping us build this reserve.”

Why Your Contribution Matters

Every dollar you donate helps us continue our mission of providing essential services to those in need. It allows us to maintain our operations, support our staff, and offer vital programs to our community. Your generosity makes a direct impact on the lives of the people we serve, giving them hope and a chance for a better future.

We ask you to please continue to give to Cornerstone, understanding that the $1.51 million grant, while a blessing, will only cover specific renovation projects. Your ongoing support is what truly sustains us and enables us to make a difference in our community every single day.

Thank you for your compassion, your generosity, and your unwavering support. Together, we can ensure that Cornerstone remains a beacon of hope and a pillar of strength for those who need it most.

Support Cornerstone Today

To make a donation, please click this button. Better yet, through this same link,

you can set up a monthly recurring contribution.

Your contribution, no matter the size, is invaluable and deeply appreciated.

Your support keeps our doors open and our mission alive.

Thank you for standing with Cornerstone and the community we serve.

Alexis Flint

Programs and Operations Director

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