Cornerstone's Clothing Bank received a lovely thank you letter from the Manchester Emblem Club #251 last month for donating items for their booth for the Operation Stand Down event coming up in September. We were told by the president, Robin Taylor, from the Emblem Club #251 that a gentlemen veteran from last year’s event came to their booth which was comprised mostly of hats, scarves, gloves and mittens. He had a choice of store bought items or hand knitted items. When Robin asked why he chose the knitted mittens he said,” I like them better, they are warm and they make me think that someone is thinking of me.” That statement brought tears to her eyes.
We are so happy to be able to share with them for their upcoming event as well as other facilities and events when possible. Working together for the good of the people is what it is all about for Cornerstone. The Clothing Bank, Etc. and our many volunteers all have the same common goal; to help our community close to home as well as other communities that are in need of help. The reward for all of us is the giving. No thanks needed, we are happy to do what we can.

Operation Stand Down started in 1988 by two Vietnam veterans. Named for a military term for a combat unit’s time to rest and recover while at war. Today it is a grassroots effort to offer services to homeless veterans and others that served and currently serve our country.
It is an annual event put on for veterans by the CT Dept. of Veterans Affairs. The event provides many booths providing veteran attendees access to information and help from a
variety of services including housing opportunities, legal assistance, employment programs,
medical screenings, education programs, personal need items, vaccinations and meals provided by the VA, and much more. Food and ice cream trucks will be at the event. Several booths are set up by a variety of clubs, such as the Emblem and the Elks club and other community providers to donate the personal needs. Transportation is also available.
It is such a great event for so many veterans to get the help they need. Everything is provided for free at this event. What a great way to say “THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!”

Christine Filanowicz
Clothing Bank, Etc. Director