Eight years ago on September 6, 2016, The Cornerstone Food Cupboard opened for
the first time. That first day we provided food assistance to 27 families/households and
they represented 74 individuals. We grew slowly at first, and by the end of December
2016, our numbers had grown to 46 families representing 130 individuals.
The number of families receiving food assistance at the Cupboard has continued to
grow markedly over these years, and in 2024 the increase has been dramatic. This
year so far we have had over 650 families/households who represent 1,767 individuals
come for food assistance. In a typical week 220-250 of those families come for food,
and just a year ago that number was 180-200.
We are currently registering 25-30 new families/households each month and project that
our numbers will continue to increase in response to our difficult economic times.
The increase in the amount food we have distributed over these eight years is also
impressive. Using the federal formula for determining the equivalent number of meals
food pantry distributions represent, we went from 66,000 meal equivalents in 2017 (our
first full year in operation) to over 220,000 meal equivalents so far in 2024.
We are very proud of what we have accomplished in our first eight years. It is
challenging to provide the food assistance so many families truly need. With the
ongoing support of our many donors and our over 50 volunteers, we hope to continue
providing food assistance for many years to come.
Lee Hay
Food Cupboard Director