Keeping People Safe, Fed, Housed, and Clothed

The Cornerstone Foundation is a faith-based organization dedicated to providing safety, shelter, food, clothing, and support to those in need in our community.

The Cornerstone Food Cupboard Needs Your Help!
We are accepting donations to support those in need. Please bring your contributions to 3 Prospect Street, Rockville, CT 06066.
Hours open for donations:
Monday/Tuesday/Friday 9AM - 12 PM
Saturday 12PM - 2PM
We greatly appreciate all donations, including grocery store gift cards. Your generosity makes a difference!
Most Needed Items
Cans of tuna
Cans of corn or green beans
Spaghetti sauce (plastic bottles or cans)
Cans of tomato or chicken noodle soup
Canned pasta
Rice side dishes (e.g., Rice-a-Roni, Knorr pouches)
Instant potato pouches
4-packs of instant pudding
Important Note
To ensure we can provide clients with pre-packed bags of nonperishable foods, we must limit the weight and size of donations. Please donate regular-size items rather than large, family-size, or multi-pound products.
Thank you for your continued support!
Past Events
Cornerstone Capital Campaign
Cornerstone's Capital Campaign aims to secure essential funds for necessary updates and expansion. The campaign is structured into three dynamic phases: the initial phase centers on the expansion of our Community Kitchen, followed by a focus on enhancing our Food Cupboard in the second phase, and culminating in the third phase dedicated to the renovation of our Homeless Shelters with a spotlight on transitional housing. We eagerly anticipate collaborating with our community to achieve our ambitious goal and strengthen our partnerships. Your unwavering support is sincerely appreciated. Thank you for standing with us in this endeavor.
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"Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me."
Matthew 25:40